Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1086

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

2204.4(A) Variants for the © Symbol

A variant of the symbol © is acceptable only if it resembles the © closely enough to indicate clearly that the variant is intended to be the copyright symbol. Acceptable variants include:

• The letter c with a parenthesis over the top.

• The letter c with a parenthesis under the bottom.

• (c

• c)

• to

• The letter c with an unenclosed circle around it.

Examples of unacceptable variants on the © symbol include the following:

• CO

• C

• C/0

• @ {i.e., the letter a in a circle).

• The letter c with a circle attached to the bottom of the letter.

• The letter c in a square.

• [c]

2204.4(B) Variants for the ® Symbol

A variant of the symbol ® is acceptable only if it resembles the ® closely enough to indicate clearly that the variant is intended to be the symbol for a sound recording copyright. Acceptable variants include:

• The letter P with a parenthesis over the top.

• The letter P with a parenthesis under the bottom.

• (P

• P)

• CP)

• The letter P with an unenclosed circle around it.

2204.4(C) Variants for the Word "Copyright"

A misspelled or variant form of the word "Copyright" or the abbreviation "copr." may be accepted if it is clear that the term is intended to be "copyright" Acceptable variants include:

• Copyrighted

• Copy write

• Copy written

• Copyright Pending

• Copyright Applied For

• Copyright and Registered

• Registered U.S. Copyright Office

• Copy

• Copyr.

Chapter 2200 : 10


Chapter _00 : 10