Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1118

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

If only one party is named in the recorded document, such as an affidavit or a declaration, the recordation specialist will index the document under that party's name.

NOTE: There is a limited exception to this rule. If two or more parties are named in the body of the document and if a signature space has been provided for each party, the specialist will record the document even if some of these spaces have been left blank. However, when indexing the document, the specialist will not include the names of the parties that did not provide a signature.

Parties are typically listed in the online public record in the order they are listed in the document [e.g., "Party 1," "Party 2," etc.).

If there is a reconcilable variance between the name that appears the body of the document and the corresponding name that appears in the signature, the specialist generally will index the document under the fullest form of that party's legal name.

When a document has been signed by an officer or employee of a corporation or other legal entity, the specialist will index the document under the name of that entity, rather than the name of the individual who actually signed the document.

Likewise, when a duly authorized agent has signed a document on behalf of a party named therein, the specialist will index the document under the name of the party that the agent represents.

2306.6 Date of Execution

If the recorded document specifies a date of execution, the recordation specialist will include that information in the online public record.

If the date of execution appears to be incomplete [e.g, a month and day, but no year], the specialist will include whatever information that is specified in the document.

If the document does not specify a date of execution, the specialist will add an annotation to the online public record, such as: "No date given."

2306.7 Effective Date

If the recorded document states that it is effective as of a particular date, the recordation specialist will include that date in the online public record.

In the case of a notice of termination, the specialist will include the effective date of termination that is specified in the notice.

2307 Special Handling

Special handling is a procedure for expediting the recordation of a transfer, a notice of termination, or other document pertaining to copyright. The U.S. Copyright Office offers this service in certain circumstances where a copyright owner or other interested parties have a compelling reason for the expedited issuance of a certificate of recordation.

Chapter 2300 : 17


Chapter _00 : 17