Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1185

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

2314.6 Who May Record a Visual Arts Registry Statement?

A Visual Arts Registry Statement may be recorded by the author of that work, the owner of a building that incorporates that work, or their duly authorized representatives. See 37 C.F.R. § 201.25(a). The person who submits a statement for recordation is known as the "remitter."

2314.7 When May a Visual Arts Registry Statement Be Recorded?

A Visual Arts Registry Statement may be recorded at any time.

2314.8 How to Record a Visual Arts Registry Statement

To record a Visual Arts Registry Statement, the remitter should submit a legible photocopy or other facsimile reproduction of the statement.

Statements submitted by or on behalf of the author of the work should contain the information set forth in Section 2314.8(A). Statements submitted by or on behalf of a building owner should contain the information set forth in Section 2314.8(B). In all cases, the information contained in the statement should be accurate and as complete as possible. See 37 C.F.R. § 201.25(c), (f).

The statement should be sent to the following address together with the filing fee specified in Section 2314.9:

Library of Congress U.S. Copyright Office-DOC 101 Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20559-6000

In the alternative, the statement and the filing fee may be delivered by hand to the Public Information Office at the address specified in Chapter 200, Section 204.1(B)(3). The Public Information Office will provide the remitter with a date-stamped receipt that lists the title of no more than one of the works listed in the statement.

2314.8(A) Statements Submitted by or on Behalf of the Author of a Work of Visual Art

Statements submitted by or on behalf of the author of a work of visual art that has been incorporated into a building should be designated as follows: "Visual Arts Regulatory Statement: Registry of Visual Art Incorporated in a Building — Artist's Statement."

The statement should contain the following information:

• The author's name and current age.

• The author's current address and telephone number (if the telephone number is publicly listed).

• The title of the work of visual art (if any).

Chapter 2300 : 84


Chapter _00 : 84