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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

• A certified statement that identifies the record.

2409.2(H) Other Records Maintained by the U.S. Copyright Office

RRCS will certify indexes of the Office's records, blank application forms, information circulars, administrative manuals (including this Compendium as well as out-of-date publications], and all other public records maintained by the Office.

2409.3 How to Request Certified Copies of U.S. Copyright Office Records

To obtain a certified copy of records maintained by the Office, the requesting party should submit a written request to RRCS containing the following information:

• The party's name and contact information.

• A clear identification of the records to be certified.

• A clear and specific request for certification.

The request should be sent to RRCS as the address specified in Section 2403 together with the appropriate fee.

2409.4 Certification Fees

The requesting party must pay a separate certification fee for each record that is certified by the U.S. Copyright Office. The current fee for certifying a search report or other records is set forth in the Office's fee schedule under the headings "Searches of Records: Certification of search report (per hour]" and "Retrievals and Copies of Records: Certification of records, including search reports (per hour]" ( /docs/ fees.html] .

In addition, the requesting party will be required to pay a fee for locating, retrieving, and copying the requested materials. For information concerning these fees, see Section 2407.6.

For information concerning the methods for paying these fees, see Chapter 1400, Sections 1403.4 and 1403.5.

2409.5 Limitations on Certification of U.S. Copyright Office Records

As noted in Sections 2407.1(B](2] and 2407.1(D](2], certain records may or may not be retained by the Office once a claim has been registered or refused. As discussed in Section 2405.3, the Office will not certify records that have not been retained by the Office. In particular, the Office will not certify works contained in the Library of Congress's collections, except for deposit copies that are temporarily on exhibit at the Library. For information concerning the procedure for obtaining copies of materials maintained by the Library, see Section 2407.1 (E] (2] above.

Chapter 2400 : 28


Chapter _00 : 28