Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1225

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

or exercise of rights under a copyright. That relationship may be past, present, future, or potential." 37 C.F.R. § 201.4(a)(2).

EDR: An abbreviation for "effective date of registration."

Effective Date of Registration ("EDR"): "The effective date of a copyright registration is the day on which an application, deposit, and fee, which are later determined by the Register of Copyrights or by a court of competent jurisdiction to be acceptable for registration, have all been received in the Copyright Office." 17 U.S.C. § 410(d). The effective date of registration is the date assigned by the U.S. Copyright Office that corresponds with the date the Office received all the elements required for a registration in acceptable form, namely, (i) a completed application, (ii) the full nonrefundable filing fee, and (iii) a complete nonreturnable deposit.

Eligible country: "The term 'eligible country' means a nation, other than the United States, that —

(A) becomes a WTO member country after the date of the enactment of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act;

(B) on such date of enactment is, or after such date of enactment becomes, a nation adhering to the Berne Convention;

(C) adheres to the WIPO Copyright Treaty;

(D) adheres to the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty; or

(E) after such date of enactment becomes subject to a proclamation under [17 U.S.C. § 104A] subsection (g)."

17 U.S.C. § 104A(h)(3).

Exclusive license: An exclusive license is "a license that gives the licensee the sole right to perform the licensed act, often in a defined territory, and that prohibits the licensor from performing the licensed act and from granting the right to anyone else; [especially], such a license of a copyright, patent, or trademark right." Black's Law Dictionary 1003 (9th ed. 2009).

Exclusive rights: Any or all of the exclusive rights under Copyright Law, as set forth in Section 106 of the Copyright Act. Section 106 of the Copyright Act defines the exclusive rights of copyright owners in their works. Only the copyright owner has the right to do and to authorize the following:

1. "To reproduce the copyrighted work in copies or phonorecords."

2. "To prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work."

3. "To distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending."

Glossary : 6


Chapter _00 : 6