Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/142

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

619.13(K) Variances Between the Name Provided in the Name of Claimant Field / Space and Elsewhere in the Registration Materials 171
619.13(L) Variance Between the Name Provided in the Name of Claimant Field / Space and the Copyright Notice 171
619.13(M) Statements Concerning the Extent of the Claim in the Name of Claimant Field / Space 172
619.13(N) Percentage of Copyright Ownership in the Name of Claimant Field / Space 172
619.13(O) Owner of Copyright for a Limited Term 172
619.13(P) Future and Contingent Interests 172
619.13(Q) Deceased Individual or Defunct Entity Named as a Claimant 173
619.13(R) Identifying the Claimant by Referring to Other Records 173
619.13(S) Name of Claimant Unknown 173
619.13(T) Name of Claimant Omitted 174
620 Transfer Statement 175
620.1 What Is a Transfer of Copyright Ownership? 175
620.2 What Is a Transfer Statement? 175
620.3 Transfer Statement Distinguished from an Instrument or Conveyance That Transfers the Copyright from One Party to Another 175
620.4 When Is a Transfer Statement Required? 176
620.4(A) The Author and the Copyright Claimant Are the Same 176
620.4(B) The Author and the Copyright Claimant Are Different 176
620.5 Joint Works 177
620.6 Works by Two or More Authors That Do Not Meet the Statutory Definition of a Joint Work 178
620.7 Derivative Works and Compilations 178
620.8 Collective Works 179
620.9 Completing the Application: Transfer Statement 179
620.9(A) Minimum Requirements for a Transfer Statement 179
620.9(B) Acceptable Transfer Statements 180
620.9(B)(1) Transfer by Written Agreement 180
620.9(B)(2) Transfer by Written Instrument from a Third Party 182
620.9(B)(3) Transfer by Inheritance 182
620.9(B)(4) Transfer by Operation of Law 183

Chapter 600 : 10