Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/148

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Compendium: Chapter 600

Examination Practices

601 What This Chapter Covers

This Chapter sets forth the U.S. Copyright Office’s practices and procedures for examining applications for registration of basic claims. It does not cover (i) applications for registering a group of related works under the group registration regulations; (ii) renewal registrations; (iii) supplementary registrations; (iv) GATT registration for certain foreign works; or (v) preregistrations.

For examining practices specific to the following types of works or registrations, see the following chapters:

  • For literary works, see Chapter 700.
  • For works of the performing arts, see Chapter 800.
  • For visual arts works, see Chapter 900.
  • For websites and website content, see Chapter 1000.
  • For the group registration options for certain related works, see Chapter 1100.
  • For mask works and vessel designs, see Chapter 1200 and Chapter 1300.
  • For supplementary registrations, adverse claims, and other post-registration procedures, see Chapter 1800.
  • For registration of certain foreign works that may be registered as “GATT” works (i.e., works that did not comply with certain formalities in U.S. law prior to March 1, 1989 or sound recordings fixed prior to February 15, 1972), see Chapter 2000, Section 2007.
  • For renewal registrations, see Chapter 2100.

602 General U.S. Copyright Office Examination Practices

When the U.S. Copyright Office determines that the material deposited constitutes copyrightable subject matter and that the other legal and formal requirements of U.S. copyright law have been met, it will register the claim and send the applicant a certificate of registration under the seal of the U.S. Copyright Office. 17 U.S.C. § 410(a). The Office has certain general policies it employs when an application is unclear on its face, when there are ambiguities in the application, and/or contradictions between the statements provided in the application and the information contained in the deposit copy(ies), when required information is missing, or when the deposit copy(ies) are incomplete or otherwise fail to meet the applicable requirements. Each of these topics is discussed below.

Chapter 600 : 16