Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/191

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

submission precedes the year of completion in a paper application, the specialist will communicate with the applicant to determine the correct completion date.

If the year of completion specified in the deposit copy(ies) is later than the year of completion specified in the application, the specialist may communicate with the applicant to determine the correct date. If the year of completion is clearly provided in the deposit copy(ies) or elsewhere in the registration materials, the specialist may amend the date provided in the application, and may add an annotation to the registration record, such as: “Regarding year of completion: corrected by C.O. from statement on copy.”


  • An online application states that the author died in 1980, but gives the year of completion as 1982. The registration specialist will ask the applicant if the year of death is correct, and if so, to explain the discrepancy with the year of completion.
  • An online application is submitted for a musical work titled “Eau de Joy.” The application states that the work was completed in 2005, but a statement on the phonorecord indicates that the work was written for the inauguration of President Obama in 2009. The registration specialist will ask the applicant to verify the year of completion.
  • A paper application is certified and submitted on December 31, 2008. The application states that the work was completed in 2009. The registration specialist will communicate with the applicant to determine the correct year of completion.

611.5 Year of Completion Omitted

If the applicant fails to provide a year of completion in an online application, the application will not be accepted by the electronic registration system.

As a general rule, if the applicant fails to provide a year of creation in a paper application, the registration specialist may communicate with the applicant. If the year of creation is provided elsewhere in the registration materials, the specialist will add the missing information and provide an annotation to the registration record, such as: “Regarding year of creation: added by C.O. from cover letter.”

611.6 Year of Completion Unknown

If the applicant cannot determine the exact year of completion, the applicant may provide a qualifying statement, such as “approximately,” “on or about,” “on or before,” or the like. In the case of an online application, this statement may be provided in the Note to Copyright Office field. On a paper application, this statement may be provided on the application itself or in a cover letter. In both cases, the registration specialist will add a note to the registration record indicating that there is correspondence in the file.

Chapter 600 : 59