Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/340

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

  • Production as a motion picture
  • All other cinematographic material

Single Serial Issue (i.e., a single issue of a serial publication) / Form SE

  • Text
  • Artwork
  • Photograph(s)
  • Translation
  • Compilation

NOTE: As discussed in Section 621.8(A), the information that the applicant provides in space 6(b) should be identical to the information that the applicant provides in space 2, but this portion of the application should be completed only if unclaimable material has been excluded from the claim in space 6(a). If the work does not contain an appreciable amount of unclaimable material, spaces 6(a) and 6(b) of the application may be left blank.

621.8(D) Completing an Application to Register a Compilation or a Collective Work

To register a compilation or collective work that contains an appreciable amount of unclaimable material, the applicant should identify the new material that the author created using the procedure described in Sections 618.6 or 618.7.

The applicant should exclude the unclaimable material from the application using the procedure described in Section 621.8(B).

In addition, the application should identify the new material that the applicant intends to register. When completing an online application, the applicant should provide this information on the Limitation of Claim screen in the field marked New Material Included/Other. Currently, the total amount of text that may be provided in both the Material Excluded and the New Material Included fields is limited to 1800 characters. When completing a paper application, the applicant should provide this information in space 6(b). In all cases, the applicant should use the procedure described in Section 618.6 to assert a claim in a compilation and should use the procedure described in Section 618.7 to assert a claim in a collective work.

As discussed in Section 621.8(A), the information that the applicant provides in the Author Created/New Material Included fields or in spaces 2 and 6(b) should be identical to each other.


  • In March 2008 the Structured Credit Fund published a compilation containing thousands of statistics concerning collateralized debit obligations (“CDOs”). Specifically, the fund selected a number of CDOs held by Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and other financial institutions. It coordinated this information based on credit rating, credit risk, and other factors, and it arranged the data based on VaR, BET, and other methodologies. In 2009 the fund published a new compilation. The new compilation contains the same selection of

Chapter 600 : 208