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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

the source of this information. The work will be registered with an effective date of registration of April 15, 2010.
  • On June 10, 2012, the Office receives an online application for a sound recording, along with the proper deposit copy and filing fee. The application states that the author is a citizen of Iran and that the work was first published in Iraq. On December 10, 2012, the registration specialist notifies the applicant that the work does not appear to be eligible for copyright protection in the United States, because the United States has not signed any copyright treaties with Iran or Iraq. On January 10, 2013 the applicant informs the specialist that the author created this sound recording at a recording studio in Syria. The specialist will add an annotation to the registration record, such as: “Regarding publication: applicant states the work was first fixed in Syria.” The work will be registered with an effective date of registration of June 10, 2012.
  • On August 31, 2007 the Office receives an online application for a musical composition, along with the proper deposit copies and filing fee. The application names Moonshine Music as the sole claimant. In a letter dated September 30, 2007 the applicant informs the Office that the copyright actually belongs to Moonbounce LLC, which is a subsidiary of Moonshine Music. The specialist will amend the registration record and add a note to the correspondence record identifying the source of this information. The work will be registered with an effective date of registration of August 31, 2007.
  • On June 1, 2007 the Office receives a paper application for a choreographic work naming Light & Lithe as the author, together with the proper deposit copies and filing fee. The claimant space has been left blank but transfer statement “by contract” is given in the Transfer space. On October 1, 2007 the registration specialist notifies the applicant that the name of the claimant does not appear in the application or elsewhere in the registration materials. The applicant provides the claimant’s name, No More Weight, Ltd., to the specialist in a telephone conversation on October 10, 2007. The specialist will add the claimant’s name to the registration record and will make a note in the correspondence record identifying the source of this information. The work will be registered with an effective date of registration of June 1, 2007.

625.2 Minimum Requirements for Acceptable Deposit Copy(ies)

To establish an effective date of registration, the U.S. Copyright Office must receive deposit copy(ies) containing the entire copyrightable content of the work described in the application.

Chapter 600 : 240