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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

COMPENDIUM: Chapter 800

Works of the Performing Arts

801 What This Chapter Covers

This Chapter covers issues related to the examination and registration of works of the performing arts, and the legal standards for the copyrightability and registrability of such works. Issues pertaining to the copyrightability and registrability of works in general are discussed in the following Chapters:

• For a general overview of the registration process, see Chapter 200.

• For a general discussion of copyrightable subject matter, see Chapter 300.

• For a discussion of who may file an application, see Chapter 400.

• For guidance in identifying the work that the applicant intends to register, see Chapter 500.

• For a discussion of examination practices by field/space of a basic application, see Chapter 600.

• For guidance on the filing fee, see Chapter 1400.

• For guidance on submitting the deposit copy(ies), see Chapter 1500.

801.1 Performing Arts Division

The Performing Arts Division ("PA"] of the U.S. Copyright Office handles the examination and registration of all works of the performing arts. Each registration specialist in the Division has expertise in music, as the examination of music and sound recordings often requires such expertise. The Division also has a team of registration specialists who specialize in the examination of motion pictures (the "Motion Picture Team").

801.2 What Is a Work of the Performing Arts?

The Office uses the term "work of the performing arts" to collectively refer to the following works of authorship:

• Musical Works, including any accompanying words.

• Sound Recordings.

• Dramatic Works, including any accompanying music.

• Choreographic works.

• Pantomimes.

Chapter 800 : 14


Chapter _00 : 14