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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

803.9(F)(4) Unacceptable Authorship Terms for Derivative Sound Recordings

The following terms generally denote de minimis authorship and thus are not acceptable descriptions for a claim in new or derivative sound recording authorship:

• Declicking

• New format

• Noise reduction

• Reissue

803.10 Deposit Requirements for Sound Recordings

To register a sound recording with the U.S. Copyright Office, the applicant should deposit a phonorecord of the work that is sufficient to identify the applicant's claim to copyright in the sound recording and to allow the Office to examine the work for copyrightable authorship.

For information on the deposit requirements for sound recordings, see Chapter 1500, Section 1509.2(B).

804 Dramatic Works

804.1 What Is a Dramatic Work?

For purposes of copyright registration, a dramatic work is a composition generally in prose or verse that portrays a story that is intended to be performed for an audience such as plays, musicals, or operas. Generally, a dramatic work represents the action as it occurs rather than simply narrating or describing the action. Some dramatic works include music.

804.2 Dramatic Works Distinguished from Other Types of Works

804.2(A) Dramatic Works Distinguished from Nondramatic Literary Works

For the purposes of copyright registration, dramatic works are distinguished from nondramatic literary works, such as novels, which are not intended to be performed for an audience. Other examples of nondramatic literary works include sermons and lectures, which are intended to be performed for an audience, but do not tell a story.

804.2(B) Dramatic Works Distinguished from Other Works of the Performing Arts

Dramatic works with accompanying music are distinguished from nondramatic musical works that do not convey a story. Operas and musicals are examples of dramatic works with accompanying music that tell a story. A symphony is an example of a nondramatic musical work that does not tell a story.

Chapter 800 : 60


Chapter _00 : 60