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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

Choreography and pantomime are the only categories of works comprised exclusively of certain types of bodily movements that are eligible for copyright protection under Section 102(a) of the Copyright Act. For more information on choreographic works and pantomimes, see Sections 805 and 806 below.

804.3(D)(2) Blocking

Blocking refers to the positioning and movement of actors onstage or in frame, such as "cross to stage left." Blocking may be created by the playwright and/or the director. Blocking is not registrable in and of itself because it represents common movements which are not subject to copyright protection. See Sections 805.5 and 806.5.

804.3(E) Music in Dramatic Works

Dramatic works may include accompanying music, such as musical plays or operas. Music in a dramatic work ranges from incidental music to music that advances the story. Music also may be used as an adjunct rather than integral part of a dramatic work, such as a tape of a preexisting song played in the background of a particular scene.

804.3(F) Illustrations or Descriptions of Costumes, Scenery, Sets, Props, etc.

Illustrations of costumes, scenery, sets, props, and lighting may be included in a

dramatic work. If the illustrations are copyrightable, they may be registered as visual

arts works. A textual description of such works may also be registered as a literary

work, but the registration does not necessarily extend to the costume, prop, set or

lighting itself. For more information on literary works and visual arts works,

see Chapters 700 and 900. For more information on costumes, see Chapter 900, Section


804.4 Types of Dramatic Works

804.4(A) Stage Plays

A stage play is a story prepared for production in a theater [i.e., to be performed on a stage for a live audience). The script generally includes instructions for performers and scenery.

804.4(B) Musical Plays

Musical plays are works that consist of music and dramatic material where the music is an integral part of the dramatic work, as opposed to incidental music that is merely intended to accompany the dramatic work. Examples of musical plays include musicals, operas, and operettas.

804.4(C) Screenplays

A screenplay is a script prepared for production in a motion picture. It generally includes textual instructions for performers, sets, and camera.

Chapter 800 : 62


Chapter _00 : 62