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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

appropriate transfer statement. For guidance in completing these portions of the application, see Chapter 600, Sections 614 and 620.

In no case will a registration for two-dimensional artwork, three-dimensional sculpture, or technical drawing cover an uncopyrightable item that results from the deposit copy(ies) or the pattern pieces that may be used to make that item.

921 Graphs, Charts, and Tables

The copyright law does not protect blank graphs, charts, and tables that are designed for recording information and do not in themselves convey information. These types of works are not copyrightable, because they are a functional means for expressing ideas, methods, or techniques, and typically they contain only a de minimis amount of authorship. Indeed, they rarely contain any authorship other than that necessary to implement the underlying method, technique, or idea. For the same reasons, the ideas for graphs, charts, and tables or the overall design of a graphing, charting, or tabling method or template are not copyrightable. See 37 C.F.R. § 202.1(c).

The U.S. Copyright Office will not register a blank graph, chart, or table if the claim is based solely on standard color variations, such as the mere addition of only a few standard colors. See id. § 202.1(a). However, the Office will register any copyrightable expression presented in a graph, chart, or table, such as a copyrightable compilation of data, facts, or information. Additionally, the Office will register sufficiently expressive text that describes, explains, and/or interprets a particular graphing, charting, or tabling method.


• Gary Grant creates a pie chart that presents demographic information on five generations of a selected family. Gary files an application asserting a claim in "two-dimensional artwork, text, and chart." The pie chart, in and of itself, is not copyrightable and cannot be registered. The registration specialist will communicate with the applicant and ask him to limit the claim to any registrable textual or compilation authorship.

• Gayle Giles creates a columnar table that records information about her son's physical and intellectual growth in ten selected categories. Gayle includes text and photographs throughout the table. Gayle files an application asserting a claim in "design, text, photographs, and two-dimensional artwork." The registration specialist will ask the applicant to limit the claim to the text, photographs, and the compilation of data to the extent that the selection and arrangement are original.

See generally Registration of Claims to Copyright: Notice of Termination of Inquiry Regarding Blank Forms, 45 Fed. Reg. 63,297 (Sept. 24, 1980).

Chapter 900 : 34


Chapter _00 : 34