Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/615

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1008 Registration Issues 17

1008.1 The Scope of a Registration for Website Content 17

1008.2 Unclaimable Material Must Be Excluded from the Claim 17

1008.3 Publication Issues 18

1008.3 [A) What Constitutes Publication? 18

1008.3(B) Reproduction and Distribution Distinguished from Performance and Display 19

1008.3(C) The Authorization Requirement 20

1008.3(D) Implied Nonexclusive License or Authorization 21

1008.3(E) Intermediate or Buffer Copies Made in the Course of Streaming 22

1008.3(F) Determining the Publication Status of a Work Made Available Only Online 23

1008.4 Identifying the Work(s) That May Be Included in the Claim 24

1008.5 Identifying the Specific Version That May Be Included in the Claim 25

1008.6 Distinguishing Between Published and Unpublished Content 26

1008.6(A) Published Website Content 26

1008.6(B) Unpublished Website Content 27

1008.7 Statutory Damages 27

1009 Application Tips for Websites and Website Content 28

1009.1 Type of Work 28

1009.2 Title of This Work 29

1009.3 Year of Completion 30

1009.4 Date and Nation of First Publication 31

1009.4(A) Date of Publication 32

1009.4(A)(1) Date of First Publication for the Original Version of a Work 33

1009.4(A)(2) Date of First Publication for Subsequent Versions of a Work 33

1009.4(A)(3) Content Published Online and in Hard Copy Form 34

1009.4(B) Nation of First Publication 34

1009.5 Name of Author 34

1009.6 Author Created / Nature of Authorship Statements 35

1009.6(A) Acceptable Terminology for an Application to Register a Website or Website Content 36

1 009.6 (B) Unclear Terminology for an Application to Register Website Content 3 7

1009.6(C) Unacceptable Terminology for an Application to Register a Website or Website Content 38

Chapter 1000 : 2


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