Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/664

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1107.1 What Is a Unit of Publication? 21

1107.2 Eligibility Requirements 22

1107.3 Registration Requirements 23

1 107.4 Completing the Application 24

1 107.4(A) Registration Process Overview 24

1107.4(B) Type of Work 25

1107.4(C) Title 25

1107.4(D) Publication / Completion 26

1107.4(E) Authors of the Component Works 27

1107.4(F) Manufacturer, Publisher, Producer, Packager, or Creator of the Unit of Publication 27

1107.4(G) Author Created / Nature of Authorship 28

1107.4(H) Claimants / Transfer Statement 29

1107.4(1) Limitation of Claim 29

1107. 4(J) Rights and Permissions Information 30

1107.4(K) Correspondent / Mailing Address for the Certificate of Registration 30

1107.4(1/) Special Handling 30

1107.4(M) Certification 30

1108 Warnings 31

1 1 09 Group Registration of Serials 31

1109.1 What Is a Serial? 32

1109.2 Eligibility Requirements 32

1109.3 Application Requirements 33

1 109.4 Filing Fee Requirements 34

1109.5 Deposit Requirements 34

1109.5(A) Serials Subject to the Complimentary Subscription Requirement 34

1109.5(B) Serials Not Subject to the Complimentary Subscription Requirement 35

1109.5(C) One Complete Copy of Each Issue 35

1109.6 When May an Application for a Group Registration Be Filed? 36

1109.7 Completing the Application: Group Registration of Serials 36

1109.7(A) Type of Group 36

1109.7(B) Title 36

Chapter 1100 : 2


Chapter _00 : 2