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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1112.4 Certification 50

1112.5 Correspondent / Mailing Address for the Certificate of Registration 50

1113 ePrint Newspapers, Newsletters, and Other Serials 50

1114 Newspapers, Newsletters, or Other Serials That Do Not Satisfy

the Group Registration Requirements 5 1

1115 Group Registration for Contributions to Periodicals 5 1

1115.1 What Is a Contribution to a Periodical? 52

1115.2 Eligibility Requirements 52

1115.3 Application Requirements 53

1 1 1 5 .4 Filing Fee Requirements 53

1115.5 Deposit Requirements 53

1115.6 When May an Application for a Group Registration Be Filed? 54

1115.7 Completing the Application: Group Registration of Contributions to Periodicals 55

1115.7(A) Form TX, Form VA, and Form PA 55

1115.7(B) Space 1: Title of this Work 55

1115.7(C) Space 2(a): Name of Author 55

1115.7(D) Space 3(a): Year in which Creation of This Work Was Completed 55

1115.7(E) Space 4: Copyright Claimants ) 56

1115.8 FormGR/CP 56

1115.8(A) Space A: Identification of Application 56

1115.8(B) Space B: Registration for Group of Contributions 56

1115.9 Contributions That Do Not Satisfy the Group Registration Requirements 57

1116 Group Registration of Published Photographs 5 7

1116.1 Eligibility Requirements 57

1116.2 Application Requirements 60

1116.3 Filing Fee Requirements 60

1116.4 Deposit Requirements 61

1116.5 When May an Application for a Group Registration Be Filed? 62

1116.6 Completing the Application: Group Registration of Published Photographs 63

1116.6(A) FormVA 63

1116.6(A)(1) Space 1: Title of this Work 63

1116.6(A)(2) Space 2(a): Name of Author / Nature of Authorship 63

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