Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/698

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1109.6 When May an Application for a Group Registration Be Filed?

The U.S. Copyright Office will register a group of serials published within a three-month period during the same calendar year, provided that the applicant complies with the requirements set forth in Sections 1109.2 through 1109.5. The Office strongly encourages applicants who use this group registration option to submit the application, deposit copies, and filing fee within three months after the date of publication for the earliest serial in the group.

1109.7 Completing the Application: Group Registration of Serials

This Section provides guidance for registering a group of serials with an online application or a paper application submitted on Form SE/Group.

1109.7(A) Type of Group

To register a group of serials with an online application, the applicant should begin by clicking the phrase "Register a Group Claim," which appears on the home page of the electronic registration system.

The applicant should identify the type of group that he or she intends to register. For a group of serials, the applicant should select "Serial Issues" from the drop down menu that appears on the Type of Group screen.

1109.7(B) Title

The applicant should provide the title of the serial exactly as it appears on the deposit copies, including any subtitlefs]. When completing an online application, the applicant should provide this information on the Title screen in the field marked Serial Title. When completing a paper application, the applicant should provide this information on space 1 of Form SE/Group.

The applicant should complete the field marked Previous/Alternative Title in the online application [i] if the serial was previously published under a different title, (ii) if the serial is known by a different title or by a title that is written in a different language, or (iii) if a person would likely search for the serial in the U.S. Copyright Office's records under a different title. As a general rule, a subtitle is not considered a Previous or Alternative Title.

Applicants cannot provide titles for the various articles, photographs, illustrations, or other contributions that appear within each issue when submitting an application for a group registration (regardless of whether the application is submitted through the electronic registration system or with a paper application submitted on Form SE/Group). If the applicant would like to include this information in the registration record, the applicant must submit a separate application for each issue using the online application or a paper application submitted on Form SE. For information concerning the procedures for registering a single issue of a serial publication, see Chapter 700, Section 712.

Chapter 1100 : 36


Chapter _00 : 36