Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/705

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

If two or more daily editions were published on a particular day, the applicant may submit the final edition together with the earlier editions, provided that the earlier editions and the final edition were published within the same metropolitan area. 37 C.F.R. § 202. 3(b)(7)(i)(D). Applicants maynot combine national or regional editions that were published outside a given metropolitan area. Instead, each national or regional edition should be registered as a separate group. See id.


• The morning edition and final edition of the Providence Post could be registered as a single group.

• The Manhattan, Long Island, and Sussex editions of the New York Examiner could be registered as a single group.

• The East Coast and West Coast editions of Show Biz Daily could not be registered as a single group, although they could be registered as two separate groups.

Submitting a microfilm deposit is a requirement for this group registration option if the title has been selected by the Library, and it will relieve the publisher of any mandatory deposit requirements set forth in Section 407 of the Copyright Act for the issues submitted on microfilm.

Microfilm may be delivered to U.S. Copyright Office by mail, by courier, or by hand delivery to the Public Information Office. Packages that are delivered to the Office by mail or by courier will be irradiated to destroy possible contaminants, such as anthrax. This process may damage microfilm. To avoid this result, applicants are strongly encouraged to send microfilm in boxes rather than envelopes. Additional information concerning the recommended procedure for delivering deposits to the Office by mail or by courier is posted on the Office's website [

1110.5(B) Newspapers That Are Not Subject to the Microfilm Deposit Requirement

Providing microfilm is a requirement for registering a group of daily newspapers if the Library of Congress has selected the paper for its collections.

A few years after the U.S. Copyright Office created this group registration option, a number of applicants began to submit newspapers that had not been selected by the Library. These applicants went through the time and expense of submitting archival- quality microfilm deposits, even though their works did not appear on the list of "Newspapers Received Currently in the Library of Congress."

The Office has adopted an interim practice that allows groups of newspapers that have not been selected by the Library to be registered without a 35mm silver halide microfilm deposit. Specifically, the interim practice allows an applicant to submit (i) complete print copies of the first and last issues of the month specified in the application, or (ii) print copies of the first section of the first and last issues of the month, or (iii) print copies of the first page of the first and last issues of the month.

Chapter 1100 : 43


Chapter _00 : 43