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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

group was published on October 7, 2011 and the latest photograph was published on October 23, 2011 the applicant should state "October 7, 2001 through October 23, 2011" on line 3(b). In addition, the applicant should provide a specific date of publication (month, day, and year) for each photograph in the group by using one of the methods discussed in Section 1116.1.

Alternatively, the applicant may provide a range of publication dates [e.g., February 16, 2010 through February 24, 2010) instead of providing a specific date of publication for each photograph, provided that all the photographs were published within three months before the date that the U.S. Copyright Office received the application, deposit copies, and filing fee. The range of dates should be provided in space 3(b) of the application.

As discussed in Section 1116.1, all the photographs in the group must be published within the same calendar year. If the applicant states that the photographs were published over a period of two or more calendar years [e.g., October 21, 2012 through February 15, 2013), the registration specialist will communicate with the applicant.

The applicant should not provide any date of publication that occurs in the future.

1116.6(A)(5) Space 4: Copyright Claimant(s) / Transfer

As discussed in Section 1116.1, the copyright claimant for all of the photographs must be the same person or organization. The applicant should provide the claimant's full name and address in space 4 of the application. For guidance on completing this portion of the application, see Chapter 600, Sections 619.

If the person named in space 2(a) is not the same person named in space 4, the applicant should provide a brief transfer statement in space 4 that explains how the claimant obtained the copyright in these photographs. For guidance on completing this portion of the application, see Chapter 600, Section 620.9.

1116.6(A)(6) Spaces 5 through 9

Spaces 5 and 6 of the application should be left blank. See Registration of Claims to Copyright, Group Registration Options, 73 Fed. Reg. 23,390, 23,391-92 (Apr. 30, 2008).

For guidance in completing spaces 7, 8 and 9, see Chapter 600, Section 622.4, 622.2 space 7, and 624.

1116.6(B) Form GR/PPh/CON

Form GR/PPh/CON may be used to provide titles, publication dates, and other identifying information for each photograph in the group. Completing this form is optional, although it does provide certain advantages that are discussed in Section 1116.2.

If the applicant uses Form GR/PPh/CON, the form must be submitted together with Form VA.

Chapter 1100 : 65


Chapter _00 : 65