Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/738

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1117.7 Completing the Application: Group Registration of Databases

This Section provides guidance for registering a database and/or a group of updates or revisions using Forms TX, VA, PA, or SR.

The U.S. Copyright Office has established a pilot program for applicants who wish to register databases that consist predominantly of photographs using the electronic registration system. As discussed in Section 1117.4, applicants must contact the Visual Arts Division for authorization to use the online application and for guidance in completing the application and submitting the deposit copies.

As discussed in Section 1117.3, the updates or revisions in the group must be created or published within a period of three months or less. The application may be submitted on the last day of this period or anytime thereafter (regardless of whether the applicant uses the online registration system or a paper application). However, if the application is received before the last day of the period specified in the application, the registration specialist will communicate with the applicant.

1117.7(A) Space 1: Title

The applicant should provide the title of the database on space 1 of the application under the heading marked Title of This Work. The title should be provided together with the following statement: "Group registration for database titled [insert the title of the database]."

As discussed in Section 1117.3, all the updates or revisions in the group must be created or published within a three-month period within the same calendar year. This period should be specified on space 1 of the application under the heading marked Title of This Work, preferably in the following format: "Updates and revisions from [insert first date in the period] to [insert the last day in the period]."

As discussed in Section 1117.6(A), the applicant should select a representative date from the period specified in the Title of This Work space, and submit fifty pages or fifty data records that were added to the database on that date. The applicant should provide that date in space 1 under the heading marked Publication as a Contribution, preferably in the following format: "Representative Date: [insert month, day, and year]." In addition, the applicant should specify the frequency that updates or revisions are made to the database [e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).

If the applicant is unable to submit fifty records from a specific date, the applicant may submit a selection of records that were added to the database on multiple dates. In this situation, the applicant may provide a range of dates in space 1, preferably in the following format: "Representative Dates: [insert month(s), day(s), and year here]."

NOTE: There is no need to complete the Publication as a Contribution space if the database consists predominantly of photographs.

Chapter 1100 : 76


Chapter _00 : 76