Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/743

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1118 Serials, Daily Newspapers, and Daily Newsletters at a Glance

This Section provides an overview of the similarities and differences between the group registration options for serials, daily newspapers, and daily newsletters.

For information concerning the specific requirements for these group registration options, see Sections 1109 (serials), 1110 (daily newspapers), and 1111 (daily newsletters).

Group Registration Requirements Serials Daily Newspapers Daily Newsletters
Type of work Each issue must be a serial, as defined in Section 1109.1 Each issue must be a newspaper, as defined in Section 1110.1 Each issue must be a newsletter, as defined in Section 1111.1
Are the issues new? Each issue must be all-new collective work that has been published for the first time Each issue must be all-new collective work that has been published for the first time Each issue must be all-new collective work that has been published for the first time
Publication Each issue must be published Each issue must be published Each issue must be published
Frequency of publication The serial must be published at intervals of a week or longer The newspaper must be published at least two times a week The newsletter must be published at least two times a week
Number of issues in the group The group must include at least two issues The group must include all the issues published within the calendar month specified in the application The group must include all the issues published within the calendar month specified in the application
Number of months covered by the group The group may include up to three months of issues All the issues must be published within the same calendar month All the issues must be published within the same calendar month
Publication within the same calendar year All the issues must be published within the same calendar year All the issues must be published within the same calendar year All the issues must be published within the same calendar year

Chapter 1100 : 81