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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1212.6(C) Nation but No Date Provided 16

1212.6(D) Future Date of First Commercial Exploitation 16

1212.6(E) Applicant Left Space 6 Blank, but Completed Space 7 17

1212.7 Space 7: Citizenship or Domicile of Owner at the Time of First Commercial Exploitation 17

1212.8 Space 8: Nature of Contribution 17

1212.8(A) Description Indicates That the Mask Work Is "Original" or "Entirely New" 17

1212.8(B) Mask Work Is Based on or Incorporates a Preexisting Mask Work 17

1212.8(C) Description Limits the Claim with No Indication of Preexisting Material 18

1212.8(D) Description Clearly Presents a Claim in the Functions or Uses of the

Semiconductor Chip Product Embodying the Mask Work 18

1212.8(E) Description Contains Technical Terminology 18

1212.9 Space 9: Contact Person for Correspondence about the Claim 18

1212.10 Space 11: Certification 18

1212.10(A) Signature Required 18

1212.10(B) Dispersed Signature 19

1212.10(C) "Typed Signature" Space Hand Printed or Blank 19

1212.10(D) Certification Date 19

1212.11 Space 12: Mail Certification To 19

1213 Preparing the Deposit Material 19

1213.1 ID Material for Commercially Exploited Mask Works 20

1213.2 ID Material for Commercially Exploited Mask Works Containing Trade Secrets 20

1213.3 ID Material for Mask Works That Have Not Been Commercially Exploited:

Mask Work Contains More Than Twenty Percent of Intended Final Form 2 1

1213.4 Mask Works Not Commercially Exploited Containing Trade Secrets 21

1213.5 Mask Works Not Commercially Exploited: Mask Work Contains Less Than

Twenty Percent of Intended Final Form 21

1213.6 Special Relief from Deposit Requirements for Mask Works 22

1213.7 Deposit Retention 22

1214 Submitting the Application, Filing Fee, and Identifying Material 22

1215 Special Handling 23

1216 Correction or Amplification of a Completed Registration 23

1217 Reconsideration of Refusals to Register 23

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Chapter _00 : 3