Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/787

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

17 U.S.C. § 1311. If a priority claim exists at the time registration is sought, the applicant must provide information on that claim in space 5, including (i) the country, (ii) date of application, and (iii) a serial number.

In addition, applicants also must submit the following information:

• A certified copy of the foreign application;

• If the foreign application is in a language other than English, a translation of the foreign application, along with a signed statement by the translator that the translation is accurate; and

• If requested by the U.S. Copyright Office, proof that the foreign country in which the prior application was filed extends similar protection to designs owned by U.S. citizens, or designs for which claims are filed.

37 C.F.R.§ 212.3 fh).

1312.6 Space 6: Date Made Public

As discussed in Section 1303.3, a vessel design is "made public" under one of the following conditions:

• It was publicly exhibited anywhere;

• It was publicly distributed; or

• It was offered for sale or sold to the public under the owner's authorization.

17 U.S.C. § 1310(b). If the design was made public prior to submission of the application, the applicant should check "yes" to the Made Public question, and provide the month, day, and year of public exhibition or distribution.

If the design was not made public prior to registration, the applicant should leave space 6 blank.

1312.7 Space 7: Contact Person

In space 7, the applicant should provide contact information for the person who can provide additional information regarding the application in the event the U.S. Copyright Office needs additional information. Contact information consists of the following:

• Name.

• Mailing address.

• Email address (if any).

• Daytime phone number.

• Facsimile number (if any).

Chapter 1300 : 17


Chapter _00 : 17