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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

1316 Reconsideration of Refusal to Register

If the U.S. Copyright Office refuses to register a design, the applicant may seek reconsideration by filing a written request within three months of the refusal. 17 U.S.C. § 1313(b). To exercise this option, the applicant should follow the procedures set forth in 37 C.F.R. § 202.5 and Chapter 1700, Section 1703.1. If the Office upholds its refusal to register, the applicant may seek judicial review of the final refusal. 17 U.S.C. § 1321(b).

1317 Certificate of Correction for a Completed Registration

If the U.S. Copyright Office makes a clerical or typographical error in preparing the certificate of registration for a vessel design, the owner of the vessel design should contact the Public Information Office in writing ( form.html). If appropriate, the Office will correct the error and will issue a new certificate to the correspondent named in the certificate.

If the applicant made a clerical or typographical error in the application for registration, the owner of the registered design or its duly authorized agent may submit an application for a certificate of correction using Form DC together with the appropriate filing fee. See 37 C.F.R. § 212.8(a)(3), (c). This form is posted on the Office's website at The current filing fee for a certificate of correction is listed on the Office's fee schedule under the heading "Form DC (to correct a design registration)" ( For information concerning the methods for paying this fee, see Chapter 1400, Sections 1403.4 and 1403.5.

The Office will issue a certificate of correction only in cases in which the applicant made clerical or typographical errors. The Office has no authority and no procedure for allowing vessel design owners to supplement the deposit material for a registration for a vessel design, to amplify the facts or information set forth in the registration, or to correct material mistakes in the registration. See 17 U.S.C. § 1319. To correct substantive, material factual errors or omissions in the registration or to correct, supplement, or amplify the deposit material, the owner of the design must submit a new application using Form D-VH.

Chapter 1300 : 21


Chapter _00 : 21