Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/844

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

Nature of the Work



Works that are not listed below that are published solely in a foreign ronntrv

One complete copy of the work as first published in the foreign ronntrv

L L ' LI 1 1 CI y


Works that are not listed below that are first published in a foreign country and subsequently published in the United States

One complete copy of the work as first published in the foreign country or one complete copy of the best edition as published in the United States


Literarv works nnhlisheH solelv

1_J 1 L Y_< 1 CI 1 y * * KJ 1 IV J yj LA l_f 11 JUL LI Ju 1L1 y

in hard copy format that are not listed below

Two romnlete ronies of the best

1 V V J L< j 111 y_r 1LLL L J U1L J J 1 L11L U L JL

edition in hard copy format


Literarv works nnhlished in

l— 1 1 LLl CI 1 y V V J 1 1VJ yj LI l-J 11J11LU 111

hard copy and electronic format that are not listed below

Two romnlotf 1 ronies of thp bpst

1 V V L_/ V, KJ 111 l_f 1L LL V, V-7 U1L J VJ 1 LllL kJ ljl

edition in hard copy format


Literary works published solely in electronic format that are not listed below

See Section 1507.2


Serials and Contributions to Collective Works

Nature of the Work




Two complete copies of the best edition

One complete copy representing the entire copyrightable content

Contributions to collective works other than newspapers

One complete copy of the best edition of the collective work, the entire page containing the contribution, or a photocopy or other reproduction of the contribution

One complete copy representing the entire copyrightable content

Contributions to newspapers

One complete section containing the contribution or a cut out of the contribution from the newspaper

One complete copy representing the entire copyrightable content

Chapter 1500 : 37


Chapter _00 : 37