Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/993

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

2115.5 Vested Owner Information 26

2115.5(A) Determining When the Renewal Copyright Vested 26

2115.5(B) Determining the Party in Whom the Renewal Copyright Vested 27

2115.5(C) Parties Entitled to Claim the Renewal Copyright 27

2115.5(C)(1) Personal Works 27

2115.5(C)(2) Proprietary Works 28

2 1 15 .5 (D) Effect of Timely Renewal Registration 30

2115.5(E) Acceptable Basis of Claim Statements 30

2115.5(E)(1) Personal Works 30

2115.5(E)(2) Proprietary Works 3 1

2115.5(E)(3) Statutory Renewal Claimant Is Not Vested Owner 31

2115.5(F) Proprietary Work, Vested Owner Is Not the Original Copyright Claimant 32

2 1 1 5 .5 (G) Name of Vested Owner and Statutory Basis of Claim Statement Required 3 2

2115.5(H) Multiple Vested Owners 32

2115.5(1) Current Mailing Address or Year of Death Required 33

2115. 5(J) Vested Owner Is Deceased or Defunct at Time of Renewal Registration 33

2 1 1 5 .6 Current Owner Information 33

2115.6(A) Full Legal Name and Address for Current Owner 33

2 1 1 5 .6 (B) Acceptable Transfer Statements 33

2115.6(C) Means or Date of Transfer Is Unclear 34

2115.6(D) Renewal Copyright Assigned During Original Term 34

2115.6(E) Renewal Registration Already on Record in the Name of a Vested Owner 34

2115.7 Certification Required 3 4

2116 Additional Requirements for Published Works Not Registered

for the Original Term: Form RE/Addendum 34

2116.1 Title Information 34

2116.2 Author Information 35

2116.2(A) Name of Eligible Author 35

2116.2(B) Nationality and Domicile of Eligible Author 36

2116.3 Publication Information 36

2116.3(A) Date of First Publication Unknown 36

2116.3(B) Simultaneous Publication in the United States 36

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