Page:Copyright Regulations 1978 from Government Gazette.djvu/20

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Staatskoerant, 22 Desember 1978
No. 625249

Form 8
R25 revenue
stamp or

Copyright Act, 1978

Copyright Tribunal

Notice requesting hearing

To: The Registrar
Copyright Tribunal
c/o Patents Office

1. Take notice that (name and address of party requesting hearing), being a party to the *(reference)/(further reference)/(application) initiated by a notice dated the .................... day of .................... 19.........., hereby requests that the matter be dealt with at a hearing before the Tribunal.

(Here give particulars identifying the reference, further reference or application.)

2. All communications regarding this notice should be addressed to *(the party by whom it is given at the address shown above)/[the attorney(s)/agent(s), who are acting for the party giving this notice and whose name and address are as under].

3. A copy of this notice has been sent to all the other parties to the proceedings mentioned in paragraph 1.

†Status of signatory

* Delete whichever is inapplicable.

† Insert, as appropriate, “The party aforesaid”; “An officer of the organisation/licensing body giving the notice”; “Attorney(s) for the party giving the notice”; “Agent(s) for the party giving the notice”.

Schedule 2


The following fees shall be paid in connection with applications and other matters under the Act:
1. On a notice in Form 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 20
2. On a notice in Form 6 or 7 5
3. On a notice in Form 8 25
4. On every interlocutory application or objection 5