Page:Corean Primer (1877).djvu/8

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its nouns or persons for its verbs, has the remarkable quality of inflexion according to the rank of the person addressed,ーsuperior, equal or inferior,ーit is deemed advisable to give the pronouns and a verb, in its various tenses, with the proper terminations affixed.

Personal Pronouns.

I ᄂᆡ ne (always) We, 우리 oori.
or ᄂᆞ na, possessive.
Thou , , nu (addressing inferior) You 너이 nùi.
님ᄌᆡ Nùnje (〃 equal) 님ᄌᆡ네 nimjenê.
Superior always indirectly addressed by his title.
He, she, it (always) They 데사람덜 desa ramdul.


Root ga, to go.
1 Addressing superior, go (imp) 가우 ga-oo.
2 equal 〃 〃 가시 gashi.
3 inferior 가라 gara.
1 (sup) Has (he) gone? (데) 갓소 (dê) gasso?
2 (equal) 갓슴마 gassumma?
3 (inf.) 간너니 gannuni?
1 Has gone (affirm.) 갓소 gasso.
2 〃 〃 갓슴메 gassummê.
3 〃 〃 갓다 gatda.
He has not gone 1. 가미 업수다 gami upsoǒda.
〃 〃 2. 가미 업소ᄋᆀ 〃 upsouê.
〃 〃 3. 가미 업다 〃 upda. [ansupdugga.
Will (he) go? 1. 갑덧가 가디안습덧가 gapdugga gadi
〃 〃 2. 갑가 가다 안습다 gapga gadi ansupda.
〃 〃 3. 가더니 가디 안더니 gaduni gadianluni.