Page:Coriolanus (1924) Yale.djvu/84

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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, III. i

And temperately proceed to what you would
Thus violently redress.

Bru. Sir, those cold ways,
That seem like prudent helps, are very poisonous 220
Where the disease is violent. Lay hands upon him,
And bear him to the rock.

Coriolanus draws his sword.

Cor. No, I'll die here.
There's some among you have beheld me fighting:
Come, try upon yourselves what you have seen me. 224

Men. Down with that sword! Tribunes, withdraw awhile.

Bru. Lay hands upon him.

Men. Help Martius, help,
You that be noble; help him, young and old!

All. Down with him!—down with him! 228

In this mutiny the Tribunes, the Ædiles, and
the People are beat in.

Men. Go, get you-to your house; begone, away!
All will be naught else.

2. Sen. Get you gone.

Cor. Stand fast;
We have as many friends as enemies.

Men. Shall it be put to that?

Sen. The gods forbid! 232
I prithee, noble friend, home to thy house;
Leave us to cure this cause.

Men. For 'tis a sore upon us
You cannot tent yourself: begone, beseech you.

Com. Come, sir, along with us. 236

Cor. I would they were barbarians,—as they are,

224 seen me: seen me do
230 naught: ruined
234 cause: disorder, disease