Page:Cornelia Meigs--The island of Appledore.djvu/219

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The Island of Appledore

it they had told him there? That the number was nearly full and that probably the place would be closed in a day or two. In that case he might have to go to Boston; there would be delay, it might be too late.

“Johann,” he asked, suddenly coming down to earth and calling to his companion who had begun to move off down to the wharf, “Johann, where are you going?”

“I am going over to the mainland,” returned Johann, turning around and bending backward against the wind that caught him with full force where he stood.

“Then wait,” said Billy; “I am going with you. When does the boat start?”

“She is not going out today, the wind is too bad,” was the reply. “I have just been to ask her captain.”

Then how are you going?” asked Billy, “and, Johann—why do you go?”

The lad looked down, shuffled his feet uneasily and seemed at a loss for an answer.

“And when are you coming back?” Billy pursued. “Tell me, I must know.”

“I am never coming back,” Johann broke forth with sudden vehemence. “Do you not see, can you not understand? Those Germans