Page:Cornelia Meigs--The island of Appledore.djvu/237

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Gulliver's Travels

Decorated cloth, 12mo

New edition, with illustrations and decorations in color and in black and white. Presented by Willy Pogany.

Decorated cloth, 12mo.

That Swift’s tales offer untold possibilities to the artist with imagination is very apparent. And Mr. Pogany demonstrates in this new edition of the classic that he is indeed the man for the task. He has achieved in full measure that quality of weird fascination, which is perhaps the chief charm of Swift’s text. His pictures, whether they be the full page plates in color or the little decorations used as headings and tail pieces, really illustrate the story, at the same time supplying the touches of beauty with which a masterpiece such as this should be adorned. This new. edition of Gulliver’s Travels not only answers the purposes of a gift book but fulfills the requirement long felt for an adequate rendering of the work.

While Shepherds Watched

By Richard Aumerle Maher

With a frontispiece in colors and decorations throughout.

Cloth, 12mo.

A beautiful gift book is this new work from the pen of Mr. Maher, a book in which the wonderful story of the first Christmas finds appropriate setting. The various incidents from the Annunciation to the birth of Christ are retold with deep religious feeling and insight. The theme, the volume s literary charm and its attractiveness throughout, with its designs and headings and borders, combine to make it a most acceptable remembrance for any season of the year, but particularly for the Christmas season.

Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York