Page:Cornelia Meigs-The Pirate of Jasper Peak.djvu/34

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The Pirate of Jasper Peak

sibly meant to meet an Indian guide in the woods but had left Rudolm alone save for their dog. That one day of their absence had passed, and two, without causing any anxiety, that search had been made on the third day and the fourth and fifth, but without result.

“But does no one know which way they went?” asked Hugh desperately. “Couldn't they have got to some other town? Couldn't they just have taken a wrong road? Aren't people often lost that long and still able to get back?”

The other slowly shook his head.

“There's no town between here and Canada,” he said; “no, indeed, nor for a hundred miles north of the border either. And there are no houses in the direction the Edmonds boys went, nor camps—and roads, bless you, these woods don't have roads. Just trees—and trees—and trees—and Heaven help the man who loses his bearings amongst them!”

“Are people still looking for them?” cried Hugh; “surely they haven't given up hope yet!"

“There is no hope,” Nels answered with a