Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/110

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84 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL with quatrefoils. Note S. rood-stairs, sedilia, and stoup in porch. Much good woodwork perished during restoration of 1859-62, but 3 richly carved panels of rood-screen remain at west end of south aisle. Later restorations of parts of fabric in 1878, 1883, 1899, and 1 901. The brasses to Richard Gerveys, 1574, and his wife Jane (Tre- fusys) have effigies of parents and 16 children; they are palimpsests, having 14th cent. Flemish work on reverse ; exhibited to Society of Anti- quaries in i860. In Bosahan aisle brasses to John Pendarves, 1616, his wife Malior (Gerveys), 1607, and 2 children. Also monument to Jane (Penticost), wife of William Thomas, 1597. (Registers, 1581.) Comelly (St. Cornelius). — Small church consists of chancel, nave, N. aisle of 2 bays, S. porch, and W. turret. Chancel considerably rebuilt in 1886, and rest of church over-restored in 1900. Walls chiefly 13th cent. E.E. lancet in N. wall of nave, and another in W. projection for carrying a bell- turret. In 15th cent, several windows inserted, and turret raised with battlements and pinnacles like a diminutive tower. In porch are good wagon roof carved timbers. "The font," says Mr. Sedding, "appears to be a poor copy of a Norm, one, made probably in the seventeenth century," but Mr. Peter considers it Norm. (Registers, 1563.) St. Grantock. — The church of St, Carantoc, a Welsh saint and associate of St. Patrick in Ireland, is of much historic repute ; it consists of chancel