Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/117

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 89 renewed. Only old windows are the two-light 14th cent, one in N. wall of chancel, and another of three lights in S. wall of aisle. Tower and spire, N. door- way of nave, and arch into N. transept are early 14th cent. S. aisle, extended level with chancel, and S. transept added in 15th cent. In this transept is a monumental recess or founder's tomb. Highly interesting late Norm, font differs from all others in county ; square, with central and corner shafts, bowl adorned with elaborated circles and bands of star ornament in shallow relief. Pulpit made up of old bench-ends ; chancel and aisle wagon roofs retain much of old carved timbers. Built into W. exterior of tower base is rude pillar stone of granite, with name, in debased Roman lettering, of a Christian interment, probably 7th cent. Inscription reads, CONETOCI FILI TEGERNO MALI (see Langdon's " Early Christian Monuments " in vol. i. of Victoria County History of Cornivall). Further repairs in 1904. (Registers, 1733.) St. Cuby. — Chancel, nave, N. transept, S. porch, and W. tower. The whole, with exception of 14th cent, tower of 2 stages, and stone-vaulted 15th cent, porch, poorly rebuilt in 1828. Pulpit made up of bench-ends and fragments of old screen. Good square Norm, font, supported by central and 4 corner shafts, with angels' heads as capitals ; bowl diversely ornamented, on W. a dragon, and on N. a conventional lily. At N.W. angle of church, a block of porphyritic elvan, 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft., has been