Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/121

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 93 1450. Chancel, nave with continuous aisles, S. porch, and W. tower. E. arcade has 5 arches and N. 4 ; material granite, and nave of piers monoliths. Good three-light Perp. windows each end of aisles, whilst the E. window of chancel is of four lights. Font new, with crocketed cover. In S. wall of - chancel is a trefoil-headed piscina niche, and similar £- almery niche beyond; these are possibly 13th cent. , Piscina niche of S. aisle is square-headed. Rood- ^ loft stairs on N. side, covered externally by a projec- tion ; both doorways remain, and also low openings through arches. Old woodwork severely handled during restoration of 1873, but some excellently carved timbers remain in roof of porch. Tower pre- sents a singular appearance, for top stage rests upon a corbel table. Explanation is that two lowest stages mainly pertain to 13th cent, church, and when 15th cent, builders raised tower they did not remove old parapet, but incorporated it with new work. At E. end of S. aisle is a table-tomb, with effigies of Sir Anthony Rous and his son Ambrose ; an elaborate canopy supported on 12 marble pillars, which used to stand over the tomb, has been removed. Though the elaborate tomb is dated 1659 on the cornice, Sir Anthony, twice sheriff and sometime knight of the shire, died in 1622, and his son Ambrose, M.P. for Launceston, in 1620. (Registers, 161 1.) Duloe. — Large church of St. Cuby, re-dedicated in 132 1, consists of chancel with N. aisle, nave, transepts, N. aisle, S. porch, and tower on S. side.