Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/129

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 101 Upper part of tower, long in ruinous condition, taken down during repairs in 1887-9. S. doorway is Dec., but N. is E.E. There are some Perp. windows in S. transepts and chancel. Chalice- shaped octagonal font probably 14th cent. Various 17th cent, monuments. (Registers, 1674.) St. Eval. — Chancel, nave of 5 bays, N. transept, S. aisle, N. and S. porches, and W. tower. N. wall of nave, between tower and transept, is Norm., and contains an original small light ; small circular font is of like period. Considerable amount of old Norm, masonry used in building 15th cent, tower. Church assumed a cruciform plan in first half of 13th cent. In 1323, as is known from entry in Bishop Stapledon's register, chancel was extended 6 ft., and new windows inserted in side walls as well as at E. end. Junction of 13th and 14th cent, work could be readily seen, but was unhappily obliterated by a severe restoration of 1889; at this date, too, transept was rebuilt. In 15th cent. S. transept was absorbed by construction of S. aisle to nave and chancel, with arcade of 7 bays. Note rood-stairs entered from N. transept ; opening in S. arcade from chancel rood-loft to aisle screen ; old wagon roofs of nave and aisle ; and many good 15th cent, bench-ends, including arms of Henry VI., and several pairs of initials. Part of old carved screen of S. aisle remains ; present chancel screen is part of an old parclose screen between chancel and aisle. Tower fell early in 18th cent. ; rebuilt