Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/152

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124 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL rebuilt here in Dec. style of beginning of 14th cent. 1 Five-light E. window an excellent example of the period. Towards close of 15 th cent., when S. W transept was absorbed in an aisle of 5 bays, the ,. : builders reused 2 good two-light windows from <* removed transept. In N. transept is a good three- t> light Dec. window with rose in the tracery, also £> 14th cent, piscina and squint to high altar. Each side of E. window of chancel is an elaborate image niche. Recess in N. wall which has served for Easter sepulchre; on S. side are 14th cent, triple sedilia and piscina. The massive S. porch is same date as aisle; it contains a stoup under trefoiled arch, and over entrance is sundial inscribed Quotidie morior, 1695. The fine granite tower of 3 stages is double buttressed, and has 12 pinnacles on its embattled summit; it is of early 16th cent. date. Font is modern, but base probably 14th cent. Pulpit is 1700, and covered with debased carving. Old wagon roofs are exceptionally well carved, and have small angels on wall-plates. Octagonal font is Perp. Royal arms bear "C.R. 1660." A large elaborate monument of slate against N. wall of chancel to Blaunch Wrey, 1595, and to John Wrey, 1597. Chancel restored in 1845, and rest of fabric in 1883-4. The old parish stocks stand in porch ; the bench is 9 ft. long. (Registers, 1685.) St. Ives. — This ancient borough formed part of 1 The E. end and N. transept are illustrated in Trans. Exeter Dioc, Archit. Soc, vol. iv. (1853).