Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/168

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140 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL monuments to John Courtney (with effigy), 1559, and Richard Courtney, 1632. An unhappy restoration of 1864 destroyed a whole series of wall-paintings, including Christ blessing Trades, and St. Crede. 1 (Registers, 1656.) Lanlivery. — Church of St. Brevita is a good building of granite, consisting of chancel, nave, continuous S. aisle of 6 bays, N. transept, S. porch, and W. tower. The blocks of granite on the S. side are exceptionally large, several upwards of 8 ft. long. Church was rebuilt throughout in 15 th cent. Piers of arcade are granite monoliths with capitals of St. Stephen stone. The 3-staged tower, 97 ft. high, is among the best in the county j double-buttressed up to 2nd stage, whence spring octagonal quoins, rising from boldly carved corbels, terminating in lofty crocketed pinnacles ; newel stair at N.W. angle, within the tower, lighted by a succession of small quatrefoil openings. Note exceptionally large octagonal font of granite, 37 in. in diameter ; good carving of the wagon roofs of S. aisle and porch ; rood-loft stairs and blocked-up squint in transept; Charles I.'s letter of thanks; ringers' rhymes under tower, 181 1 ; original strap hinges and large latch to S. door ; rude stone coffin with head hollow, in churchyard ; and small carved alabaster tablet of the General Resurrection, of 15 th cent. Nottingham make, much damaged, on sill of S. window of transept. A large number of 1 R.I.C., vols, i., iii., and xv.