Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/174

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146 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL but the bowl is of Pentewan stone. Portions of two 13th cent, grave covers. Ground-plan of church forms parallelogram, 98 ft. by 52 ft., including tower, which has archways into N. and S. aisles as well as into nave ; it is divided into 3 parts by arcades of 5 arches on each side, supported by octagonal mono- lith piers of Pentewan stone. Unbuttressed tower of 4 stages and N. aisle are quite early in Perp. period, temp. Richard II. ; S. aisle somewhat later. Stairs to rood-loft are enclosed in projection on S. side. When stairs were opened out in 1904 some pieces of carved alabaster work were brought to light, including representation of martyrdom of St. Laurence. Note old glass in E. window of S. aisle, 5 small saints, and 2 damaged coats of arms; piscinae of S. aisle and chancel ; old wagon roofs, especially of S. aisle ; fine series of carved bench-ends of 15th and 16th cents. ; delicate heraldic work from 17th cent, pewing, now at W. end of S. aisle ; and altar- table inscribed The gift of Baranet Mohun to the Parishe, 1634. In S. chancel aisle is a table-tomb in beautiful canopied recess, with cinquefoil cusping below a frieze of fleur-de-lis, bearing traces of colour. On the slab is a brass of a knight in armour, and inscription to Thomas de Mohun, recording names of three preceding generations all buried here. Tomb was erected in lifetime of Thomas, and the date, 14 . ., was never filled up. In S.E. corner of this aisle is another good brass to John Mohun and Anne