Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/182

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152 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL Lesnewth. — Church of St. Knuet (mentioned as St. Michael in 15th cent.) was an old cruciform Norm, church; but grievously deformed in 1866, when transepts were taken down and walls of nave and chancel rebuilt. A quasi-chapel was built up out of Norm, fragments on S. side of the chancel ; on N. side is an old Norm, light, and in window-sill the mensa of N. transept altar-slab with its consecra- tion crosses. The 15 th cent, three-staged tower has bold string-courses. Octagonal font is Perp. (Registers, 1564.) St. Levan. — Interesting church of St. Levan, formerly cruciform, consists of chancel, nave, N. transept, S. aisle and porch, and W. tower of 2 stages; over - restored in 1876. Transept, con- nected at later date with nave by two arches sup- ported by octagonal pier and responds, is E.E., and has lancet window in the E. wall. Rest of church is 15th cent. Note good circular Norm, font with star ornament round rim ; square E.E. arcaded stoup in porch ; rood-screen with curiously carved panels in the base, the upper part restored 1885 ; the rood-stairs in a projection on the S. side ; many excellently carved bench-ends; 1 and 1752 pulpit, with good inlays. (Registers, 1700.) Lewannick. — Church of St. Martin, rebuilt throughout in 15th cent, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, N. and S. porches, and W. tower, 1 See Reliquary, N.S., vol. x. pp. 43-51, for article on this church with good illustrations of bench-ends.