Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/200

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1 66 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL staged tower of unbuttressed granite, 85 ft. high ; note W. doorway of Catacleuse stone, with hood- mould terminals of arms of Lucombe of Bodmin and Heligan, and the lower string-courses, with arms of Godolphin, Hamley, and Barrett families; parclose screens of chancel chapels modern. Disas- trous refitting of church under Rev. Leveson Gower, rector 1818-41, resulted in ejection of several good slate monuments, now against outer N. wall and tower of church, and in loss of two brasses. (Registers, 1562.) St. Madron. — Church of Si. Madern, mother- church of Penzance, consists of chancel and nave with continuous aisles of 6 bays, N. and S. porches, and W. tower. Considerably restored in 1886-7, when chancel was extended, and S. porch built in . imitation of that of St. Buryan. High altar of a V* new chancel was consecrated in 1336; to that date «*e belong piscina and sedilia (of which only one re- <j^ mains) in S. wall. Two lower stages of tower, and v» S. aisle with its arcade of Caen stone, belong to 2 s different periods of 13 th cent. Top stage of tower and N. aisle are 15th cent. Rood-stairs are on S. side ; in the new screen several panels of the old one are incorporated. Several good bench-ends in S. aisle. Square Norm, font has been unhappily discarded ; bowl lies in churchyard ; 5 plain shafts and circular base are original. A good late mural brass in N. aisle, with effigies of John Clies, twice mayor of Penzance, 1623, and of his wife and 6 children.