Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/206

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172 THE CHURCHES OE CORNWALL chancel, nave of 4 bays, N. transept, continuous S. aisle of 6 bays, S. porch, and W. tower. The cruciform plan of this church is 13th cent., and that is the date of lower part of tower. Two arches of S. chapel of chancel, of Catacleuse stone, are c. 1375 ; but arcade of St. Stephen stone of nave aisle is late 15th cent. This, too, is period of S. porch, and of the raising of the fine tower, with lofty turreted pinnacle over newel of S.E. angle, to a height of 70 ft. Font, of Pentewan stone, is a comparatively plain example of late Norm., type of Bodmin and St. Austell, shafts below angle-heads are new, rim has zigzag ornament, and there are 4 uncharged shields on bowl. Pulpit is peculiarly interesting, being Marian work of 1553; the 6 panels bear symbols of the Passion. A squint connecting N. transept with sanctuary is 13th cent. Late 15th cent, screen of much interest has been carefully re- coloured from the original remains ; it is of unusual type, without tracery in bays, like that of Crantock ; it retains its carving with a vine-tendril cornice, and bears arms of Arundell quartering Carminow. Up- wards of 40 of 15th cent, carved bench-ends remain ; they are exceptionally well carved, including every variety of Passion symbols. In chancel is a well- preserved brass of a priest of first half of 15 th cent. Against S. wall are various Arundell brass inscrip- tions, with coats of arms ; the oldest are to the memory of George and Isabell Arundell, 1573 ; Cyssel Arundell, 1578; and Edward Arundell, 1586.