Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/220

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1 84 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL Hawker, who was vicar from 1834 to 1875. (Registers, 1558.) St. Mullion. — Granite church of Si. Melan con- sists of chancel, nave, aisles, S. porch, and W. tower. Inscription on chancel cornice records its re-erec- tion in 1500 by Robert Luddra, vicar. 1 Remains of 13th cent, work in both chancel and tower. Chancel restored in 1840, when a considerable collection of fragments of 15th cent, glass was placed in E. window; but these have now (191 1) given way to modern window. Tower has large blocks of serpentine intermingled with granite ; over W. window a small rood carved in granite. Octagonal panelled font, a good 15th cent, example. Entrance jambs of porch are panelled, and there is a well-preserved stoup. Considerable restora- tion, c. 1880, preserved well-carved wagon roofs, retaining original plaster of panels; chancel roof has 5 small angels attached to wall-plate on each side. Skeleton of base of old rood-screen remains ; panels, 6 on each side, have gone. Two small carved " saints," wrongly supposed to have been connected with rood-screen, are worked up into a lectern ; figures are sibyls, and of Elizabethan date. Rood-stairs are in the N. wall ; a very small squared opening in N. arcade. Church justly cele- brated for number and wealth of carving of old bench-ends, especially of those which bear symbols 1 The writer did not notice this inscription in 191 1, but it is mentioned by Gilbert, Blight, and other Cornish authors.