Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/234

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198 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL arcades of S. arches are supported by monolith granite piers, which in some cases have capitals of Polyphant stone. N. doorway is Norm, though mutilated, and W. respond of N. arcade is of same period. Arcaded circular font of Polyphant stone, supported on central shaft, and 4 smaller ones, is late or Trans-Norm. A 15th cent, small altar slab of Polyphant stone, measuring 46 in. by 27, and 8£ in. deep, was taken up in 1889 at S. door, where it served as a step. Surface much worn and con- secration crosses obliterated ; moulding of 3 sides of mensa sculptured with bold paterae. Slab is now mounted at E. end of S. aisle. Fine tower of 3 stages, double-buttressed up to battlements, has usual octagonal pinnacles with crocketed finials. Newel projection is at N.E. angle ; plan of tower is oblong, the walls being wider E. and W. than N. and S. Large doorways for rood-stairs and slight outward projection on S. side. Some remains of old rood-screen, including parts of a vine cornice, were skilfully worked up into tower screen in 1901. Six old carved bench-ends are utilised in front of quire stalls. Pulpit, with original stand, is a good example of 163 1 ; reading-desk is made up of some Jacobean pewing. Under tower are 2 early 13th cent, sepulchral slabs. In a window of S. aisle are 2 old shields of 15 th cent, glass, one of which is Tremayne. Royal arms of James I. over S. door- way. (Registers, 1656.) Phillack {St. Felicitas). — Chancel, nave, aisles,