Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/244

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206 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL consecrated in 1259 on a cruciform plan. Of this E.E. church there are remains in 2 over-repaired lancet lights in N. wall of chancel, and in small unbuttressed tower with lancet lights in both stages ; the low broached spire has 4 small dormer lights. Tran- sept was altered c. 1300, when a three-light window of interesting uncusped tracery was inserted in E. wall. S. transept disappeared in 15th cent, when Tympanum, Rame aisle of five granite arches of usual type was added on S. side. To that period, too, belong E. windows of chancel and aisle, and one in N. wall of transept. Upper and lower doorways to rood-loft remain in S. wall, and external squared projection to cover stairs. Plain octagonal font is 14th cent., and domed cover, crowned with a dove, 18th cent. Cinquefoil- headed piscina niche of chancel is 14th cent., and there is one of next century in S. chancel chapel. Near latter is an imperfect stone slab with moulded edge, measuring 48 in. by 25 in. On wall above it is