Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/258

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220 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL The office sett to pastors true (by Chryst) hys flocke to guyde ys unto them hys worde to preache, and from bit never slyde. The duetye to the flocke assignd, god word ys to obaye ; and on the same to staye themselves, with faith and hope allwaye. For here on earth as pillgromes straunge, we dayly seeke for rest ; yett fyndinge none, because we be with sinfull fleshe opprest. No state on earth, no pompe may last, no fleshe can longe endure ; but beinge earthe to earthe, shall turn of thys we be most sure. Then (sith our dayes be few and ill, whyle we do passe the same), lett us redeeme them doinge good, not seekinge prayse or fame : But glory praise and honour due yeelde we to god of righte ; whose promise is (all darknes past) to give us hys true light. (Registers, 1623.) Talland. — Church of St. Tallanus stands on side of hill near inlet of sea called Talland Bay ; it con- sists of chancel, nave of 6 bays, S. aisle, N. transept, and detached tower on S. side. Almost entirely rebuilt in 15th cent., but W. end of nave c. 1250, and is of an unusual arrangement. There are three E.E. buttresses, and above centre one is a