Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/260

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222 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL fabric is fine embattled tower of granite ashlar ; total height, including octagonal crocketed pin- nacles, is 90 ft. ; plinth well carved with various devices. Granite font has plain circular bowl rest- ing on octagonal shaft; it is coeval with fabric. Numerous old carved bench-ends, including symbols of the Passion, many pairs of initials, woodcock, partridge, and grotesque heads. Aisle arcade of 5 arches rests on monolith granite piers. At E. end of aisle is brass plate to Leonard Loves, 1576, "General receaver to ye Quenes Majestie of all hur revenewes in the Cou'Hyes of Devon and Cornwall." (Registers, 1556.) St. Teath. — Church of St. Etha or Tetha con- sists of chancel with side chapels, nave with aisles, S. porch, and W. tower. A double-aisled church of some size stood here in Norm. days. At W. end of N. arcade there are traces of Norm, respond. The considerable restoration of 1879 brought many remains of that date to light ; two boldly carved scolloped capitals are placed at E. end of N. aisle. Plain rounded arch into tower is possibly early Norm.; one expert has too hastily pronounced it Saxon. Many stones of Norm, tooling in church fabric, especially in tower; in 1900 present writer discovered a considerable variety of moulded stones of this period in walls or gardens of fully a score of houses in immediate vicinity. Church was re- built throughout in 15th cent. Arcades, with 6 arches on each side, are supported on monolith