Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/266

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226 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL in nth cent., or possibly late ioth cent. A good deal of undoubted Norm, work, of first quarter of 1 2th cent., also remains. This is the date of S. doorway with differing jamb shafts and capitals, porch over it rebuilt in 1870; of widely splayed Norm, light on S. side of nave, with an opening 50 in. by 9 in. ; of jambs of chancel arch, carved with geometrical patterns ; and of plain low impost mouldings (possibly Saxon on one side) of former arch into S. transept. The font, too, is Norm., and can fairly lay claim to that generally misused word unique, for the bowl, 29 in. square, with heads at angles, is supported by 4 octagonal shafts set in an oblique or straddling fashion, in addition to circular shaft in centre. Various Norm, moulded stones were also found in walls of N. transept in 1870. Pre-Norm. work is certainly to be found on N. side of nave. Jambs of N. doorway are obviously Saxon ; they slope somewhat inwards towards the top, and are square, and formed of wide jointed stones. Inside jambs are also built at right angles to wall. Head of doorway is filled up with a plain tympanum. In this wall there are also two little round-headed lights, quite distinct in size and con- struction from their round-headed fellow in opposite wall. These lights, barely 5 in. in width, are slightly splayed or chamfered outside, as well as deeply splayed within. In chancel there are also two small early lights which are either pre-Norm.