Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/287

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 245 also in porch. In transept stands a Jacobean altar-table. The E. window of aisle is a remarkably interesting example of early 15th cent, glass, care- fully restored in 1867. In upper lights and at base are arms of Courtenay and others ; in addition to kneeling memorial figures, there are two rows of saints; upper tier has St. George, Our Lady and Child, St. Christopher, and St. Michael ; lower, St. Winnow, Our Lady, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Leonard. The E. window of the chancel has isolated figures of the Rood with Sts. Mary and John (16th cent.), with the words in capitals below: — Absit ut gldrier nisi in cruce. Charles I.'s letter is in transept. Under tower are ringers' rhymes dated 18 10. In S. chapel is a mural slate memorial to William Sawle, 165 1, with exception- ally good engraved borders. (Registers, 1622.) Withiel (vSV. Clement). — Chancel, nave, aisles, S. porch, and W. tower; re-roofed and generally repaired in 1820. Old work is throughout 15 th cent. S. arcade has 6 arches and N. 3 arches, all of granite. The 15th cent, font has octagonal bowl sculptured with symbols of the Passion ; part of base apparently belonged to a Norm. font. Granite tower of three stages is double-buttressed ; battle- ments have handsome crocketed pinnacles. In E. window of S. aisle are arms of Prior Vyvyan, of Bodmin Priory, who is said to have built this aisle as well as rectory house. Royal arms 1707. (Registers, 1567.)